пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

calgary flames rosters

[Unknown LJ tag]

I found this entry really hard to write. I donapos;t have any funny little anecdotes of mistaken identity. Not the kind that other people have, anyway. My parents have never taken the wrong child home, Iapos;ve never tugged on the wrong skirt in the supermarket or been confused for a boy. Well. If any of those things have happened, I certainly donapos;t remember them.

So no. I donapos;t have stories like that.

I have, however, made larger mistakes about peopleapos;s identities. Rather than confusing who they were on the outside, Iapos;ve thought they were someone on the inside who, it was eventually revealed, they were not.

Of course, everybody has these stories.

"I dated him for four years without realising he was sleeping with my sister" ... "She totally deceived me...she seemed so pure and nice." ... "I had no idea it was her stealing the money from me" ... "Why did he go and do something like that? He seemed like such a nice kid."

Any of those sound familiar? If they havenapos;t happened to you, theyapos;ve probably happened to your friends. Because the thing is?

People arenapos;t who they say they are.

Yes, yes, I can see you nodding your head and saying to yourself apos;jeez, duh, I already knew thatapos;. But hey - if you already know it? Why do you keep getting taken in? Why do I keep getting taken in? Why do we all get taken in when we all already know that people are seldom who they appear on the outside?

I guess...I guess weapos;re hoping that the person on the inside is even better than the person on the outside. Hoping that maybe the person is hiding something inside them, something amazing, something that we want or need in our life.

And I guess sometimes we find it. Because if we didnapos;t, weapos;d end up never trusting that inner person, right? Weapos;d stop trusting that the person inside is the kind of person we want to be around. Weapos;d probably stop being social, stop meeting people, stop letting people who we donapos;t know back-to-front and inside out be around us. Because weapos;d start to think that there was nobody whose Inside Person was as good as, or better, than their Outside Person.


Seeing as how I still hang around people, and, as far as I can tell, most people are still on a social kick, I guess that tells us something else. It tells us that there are people who are, excuse the cliche, beautiful on the inside. That not everybody is sleeping with your sister on the side, or eying your necklace on the table and wondering if youapos;d notice if they slipped it into a pocket.

So maybe the mistakes we make about people, those deep mistakes that make us lie down and cry and wonder if everyone has insides as cruel and surprising as the people we made mistakes about, maybe theyapos;re worth it. Maybe those people with sharp and terrible cores really are the minority.

Because hey. The fact that we were surprised proves it. The fact that we figured that they were going to be better than they were means that we are better. Thereapos;s something inside us that is golden and trusting and beautiful. We are the people weapos;ve been searching for all our lives.

Wow. I think I just regained my faith in humanity.

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